Nau mai ki a tatou akomanga
Welcome to our classroom


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Under 2's

In the Peapods we pride ourselves on providing a safe, calm and nurturing environment that enhances a child’s sense of belonging and promotes their well-being. As an infant and toddler room we understand the importance of the vast difference in the developmental stages and embrace these by creating trusting bonds between teachers and children. Ensuring emotional needs are met for infants as they are nurtured and cared for.

We encourage the value of tuakana teina, as older children care for and play alongside younger helping them to gain a sense of responsibility for themselves and others, while being comforted and guided by teachers.
Children are provided with a variety of sensory rich experiences indoors and out that supports learning and development and encourages them to explore independently or work alongside others. Learning areas are designed to challenge and extend on existing skills while encouraging self-help abilities and personal expression.

Teaching practices are guided by our curriculum, Te Whãriki, and adaptable to our children and whanau’s aspirations and desires as children develop into confident and capable learners.
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Over 2's

Here, in the Beansprouts room, we strive to create an inviting, calm and happy place for your child/ren to engage in and explore in their own wonderful ways. Teachers ensure that all children and their families feel welcomed and supported within our classroom, while providing a comfortable and relaxed atmosphere for all, regardless of ethnic/cultural background. Through a variety of play-based activities and experiences we offer opportunities for your child to further develop their physical and cognitive skills, social and self-help skills, plus plenty more learning and developmental opportunities.

Teachers in the Beansprouts room make every effort to follow the lead of your child's natural curiosity and individual interests and abilities. We aim to set the different learning areas accordingly while providing age appropriate challenges and resources.
We empower and support all children to view themselves as unique, confident and strong minded learners, while recognising and supporting their own views of the world.

We pride ourselves in developing positive relationships with our parents and whanau and encourage your involvement and participation within our programme.

We understand that when it comes time for your child to transition to school, it can be challenging for both child and family. When you child is approaching school age, please inform the centre of a possible leaving date within six months of them turning five years old. We support this process by ensuring your child is school-ready by offering a wide range of literacy, numeracy and social experiences. We work alongside yourself and your child when it comes to their developing interest and curiosity in school by providing termly school visits for our older children.


  • 8am Start

    Greet parents/guardians/Whānau and children on arrival to centre. Core areas of play such as – play dough, blocks and creativity are to be set up for free play.

  • 8:50am – 9:00am

    Setting up kai tables, clean up time, encouraging children to help with putting things away.

  • 9am - 9:15am

    Group time – Coming together on the mat for songs, rhymes, stories and dancing. The children will also experience learning about numbers, letters, shapes and colours. The children are encouraged to share news through morning talks during group time. A hand washing song and karakia is sung at the end of group time.

  • 9:15am - 9:30am

    wash hands /snack time.

  • 9:35am

    free play

  • 11:30am

    Group time - Coming together on the mat for more stories, songs and discussions on their morning play. Exploring numbers, letters, shapes and colours. Hand washing song and karakia.

  • 12:00pm

    Child initiated free play in both inside and outside environments. Activities are set up to capture, support and extend on children’s strengths and interests. Opportunities for quite time /reading and relaxing. (Sleeping children go to bed for a sleep or rest).

  • 1:50pm

    Clean up time – Children are encouraged to help with the cleaning up process.

  • 2:00pm

    group time – songs, stories, news and dance. Discussions on our day, what we liked? What we did? Art work handed out and placed in bags and lost property items returned to rightful owners.

  • 2:15pm

    Afternoon snack time- saying goodbye to leaving children.

  • 2:30pm

    Free play in inside and outside environments.

  • 3:30pm – 4pm

    Group discussion time – parents arriving to pick up children.


Transition to school policy

Aim: For all Children to achieve a smooth and successful transition from their early childhood setting to school, providing families with appropriate information, with consideration given to individual and cultural needs.

Rationale: We recognise that primary school learning environments are quite different to early childhood settings. Our aim is to prepare children emotionally, socially, cognitively and physically for school. We believe that a smooth and well-informed transition to school empowers children to learn and grow. When your child is approaching school age, please inform the centre of a possible leaving date within six months of them turning five years old. At Leap Ahead preschool we are committed to ensuring that all families will receive the best possible transition experience for their children.

Prior to attending primary school our teachers will encourage self-help skills, concentration span, respect for teachers, self, peers and equipment.
Children will have discussions with teachers about the differences between preschool and primary school. Outings, books and pictures are also used to give children some insight as to what to expect at primary school.
A well prepared literacy table with writing books, Lending library, rulers, and pencils are available for children prior to starting school.  An allocated teacher will be responsible for ensuring that there are systems in place for identifying children who are approaching school age, and informing parents and whānau of the needs to start considering a school transition plan.  .When necessary, staff will provide individual parents with additional literature on the transition process for children with special needs.

Throughout the terms, the allocated teacher will organise with both schools, visits for our four and a half year old children, these will happen in terms 1,3 & 4. The children get to spend the morning/ afternoon in the new entrant class and met with the teachers/ play with the equipment and buddy up with other school age children. Transition times will be an hour long and days may vary. Parents and Whanau will be informed and a permission slip provided closer to transitioning time.


Consult with management regarding appropriate transitioning times to see if this is suitable
Consult with our local primary schools to arrange appropriate days and times
Discuss transition times, also what happens on these visits with the families of the transitioning children
Give out permission slips to the families of the children who are transitioning
Organise adult/child ratio, this can either be a staff member ( in consultation with manager) or parent help
Ensure departure and arrival times are consistent with excursion form
Roll call on arriving at primary school, and again before departing then finally back at the centre
Ensure first aid, phone, water, food and roll are with you at all times
Comply with primary school rules and also ECE regulations at all times
Completing a short narrative on the transition followed with photos. This is to be displayed in foyer, children’s portfolios, and filed in office
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